It is time to reclaim YOUR CREATOR within 
and live a life of prosperity, ease and impact!

Denying who you are only leads to a life filled with
more effort, pain and disillusionment.
This 7 day programme (inc. 60 min video each day) is going to open you up to a whole new level of trusting your ability to receive your soul's call, joyfully and courageously following each step as it downloads.

I’m talking awakening abundance in all areas of your life, unleashing limitations....

You can TRY and create from your mind, from the shoulds, the limitations and the so called rules and regulations around you OR you can unleash the inner creator that is source, sovereign and limitless potential.

Creating from the mind isn’t really creating at all, it’s actually controlling. It's DOING to try and create a particular outcome and I don't know about you, but when I try and control outcomes it hurts.

I start to lose my joy, I start comparing, judging, holding on, pushing.
I tell myself I just need to be more 'fill in the blank'. 
I start to feel less energised, less motivated and I become disenchanted with life, with people.

When I live and create from a place of soul surrender not only does it feel juicy and inspired, but I also attract the perfect collaborative components for what my soul desires and abundance just flows – monetary, health, friendships – ALL OF IT!

When you learn how to truly UNLEASH your inner Creator and learn to gently put aside your mind’s doubts and fears, magic and miracles happen.

There has never been a greater time for awakening and to create your Heaven on Earth and so I  invite you to:
"I feel free....more aligned, alive and inspired than I've been for a long time."
- Emma Creed 
CREATOR UNLEASHED: 7 Day Heaven on Earth Collective
What you'll receive:

7 days, 7 pre-recorded video modules with me, including soul aligned transmissions, activations 
and Self Mastery steps.

Membership Forum AND Private Facebook Group to amplify your experience - be seen, heard and stay accountable in each module.

Not only you are going to receive potent upgrades and tools during this week, you will also have ONGOING ACCESS to revisit whenever you want!
Investment ONLY $33 for all 7 days
I have already created a successful multi 6 figure biz and empowered feminine Be A Beacon community through trusting my soul alignment, but at times I would still allow fear to suppress my creative vision, especially as my biz grew and there was seemingly more to lose. 

That limiting fear is now well and truly taking a back seat. 
The energy of soul aligned creation is now the only driver I will allow to move me forward and I want to share how I did this with you.

If you know that you have been tapping into your creator on and off for a while but you can't sustain it because your fears and doubts get in the way - then you need this!

Allow the power of the collective, the power of this container, the power of my voice and the power of the transmissions that are coming through (and have taken a quantum leap over the last few months since my pilgrimage to Uluru)…allow all of this to support and elevate you, so that you can open into the next level of how your soul wants to be fearlessly expressed.

Receive these seven days and you will radically elevate YOUR capacity to hold an unwavering level of connection to your Source Self so that the mind, the body, the environment or the past doesn't keep limiting you.

Create your Heaven on Earth NOW.
CREATOR UNLEASHED: 7 Day Heaven on Earth Collective
Investment ONLY $33 for all 7 days
Can't wait to see you there,
With Love and Radiance
Rebecca Thompson is a Spiritual Teacher, Mentor, Speaker and Community Leader. She is also a multi hyphenate artistic creator through the medium of sound, paint and movement.

With almost 30 years in the wellbeing arena as a physio, yoga teacher, feminine presence teacher and coach PLUS being a Solopreneur and Mother, Rebecca has experienced a profound journey from Controller to Creator. 

She is the Creator of the renowned Be a Beacon Programme for Women, a sacred path of female awakening, leadership and fulfilment.
